CHAM Chaleur Maintenance
Our customer work is simplified, more efficient in terms of customer follow-up and intervention management. What brings comfort and time savings!
Cham 100% EDF subsidiary company
Offers commissioning of boilers, interviews, interventions,
contracts, sweeps.
More than 300,000 customers
57 sites cover all of France
450 service technicians

The CHAM service technicians, equipped with the RP1000 Athesi PDA, deployed by the mobile solution integrator Nomadvance (, crisscross the whole France for preventive or curative maintenance.
Each technician visits 8 to 14 households per day to check the safety of the heating system and the conformity of the installations.
The technicians' schedule is sent directly to the Athesi RP1000 via the 3.5G communication system. Thanks to the RP1000 Athesi and on-board data, the technician can quickly have the history of interventions and check the elements of the current maintenance contract. Once the work is done, the technician closes his intervention after signing the client directly on the RP1000 Athesi. Through a Bluetooth printer connected to the RP1000 Athesi, an A4 bill is printed and left with the customer's certificate of passage and maintenance. In real time the intervention is recorded and all new information saved on the RP1000 Athesi PDA. Thanks to the PDA, during their visits, technicians are directly in a position to renew a contract or a new contract. The GPS information allows Headquarters to send other requests for intervention in real time. Thanks to SofToGo's Wireless Deployer management software (, the head office is able to remotely monitor the status of the RP1000 Athesi and improve the application automatically.
Mr. Claude Famelart, Regional Manager, says the RP1000 Athesi is truly an exceptional product in terms of ergonomics and compact design. Technicians are forced to carry heavy tools and have a PDA as light as the RP1000 Athesi is a real advantage for the everyday. The robustness of the product and its perfect reliability make the product functional all the time. All these assets led to a perfect acceptance of the product by the mobile teams. The virtual keyboard is also a significant advantage in time saving compared to an external keyboard. Mr. Claude Famelart concluded by saying that all the RP1000 plus have allowed to increase the number of customer interventions and therefore the productivity of technicians. Raoul Dupin of Saint Cyr, marketing manager, specifies that the RP1000 Athesi can significantly reduce the administrative tasks deemed uninteresting as the capture of intervention vouchers. This time saving allows CHAM to highlight other value-added services, not to mention the growing customer satisfaction.